Philipp Langer aka robolotion:  Germany

"Dear Roxanne, what a big surprise! I never would have expected someone could focus on my work so intensely. I watched the videoclip again and again to enjoy all the details. Certainly, it wasn't an easy task to find a representative selection of the various subjects. For one of my older digital collages I used a photo of a famous baroque castle located in the center of Berlin. Colorfully illuminated, the same building is part of the video's last sequence. Wow! Thank you so much, Roxanne, for such an amazing appreciation of my work! It honors me to be a part of your international artist promoting program. Your diverse online projects are quite impressive." ~ Philipp 

Roxanne Interviewed by Maristella Angeli- Italy(English/French translation soon)

Roxanne's view: "I'm passionate about tapping into multiple arts venues that delight, inform and foster connectivity between a collective of creative individuals within the global community!" ~ rX


Copyright All rights reserved.



Marco Pascarella: Italy

Dear Roxanne, thank you for communicated me your laudable purpose. Thanks for the video tribute, I consider it a gesture of friendship.
a warm greeting." ~ Marco


Michal Ashkenasi: Israel

"I just now saw the video and I liked it really very!! I like your video and am thankful for it!! I already uploaded it to my desktop." ~Michal

Ali Zülfikar : Germany

"Hello Roxanne - thank your for your kind video and great news, I am happy to read that you enjoy and appreciate my art." ~ Ali Zülfikar 

Massimo Di Stefano: Italy

Dear Roxanne, thank you very much for your interest in my art. Your video very welcome and I thank you so much for your "present". Your social initiative is very interesting and i offer my congratulations for the effort that you put on it." ~ Massimo

Teresa Palombini: Italy

"Hi Roxanne. Thank you very much for your video, I like it.I really like your initiative, it's praiseworthy. Have a good day." ~ Teresa.

Anneli Di Francis: Finland

"Dear Roxanne, Wow...What a surprise : ) It's a very nice video : ) Thank you! It is simple and stylish with the dark background and the music supports the whole thing : ) Wow..." ~ Anneli

Tanya Bartoloni: Italy

"Thank you very much! Wonderful video!!! You initiative is wonderful. Thank you with all my heart - I want to share it - will never forget you my whole life..Grazie!" ~ Tanya

 Live Online & On Location 

  • Roxanne Brousseau-Félio, M.Ed., B.Ed., B.A.~ Born in Ottawa, Canada. Specializes in content creation from pre to post production. Groundwork experience gained from working in the Film/Television industry in Los Angeles, Texas and Canada.
  • A graduate with a Master’s degree in Educational Technology specializing in Media Production from Texas A&M University and a B.Ed. and B.A. in Communications and Teacher Education from the University of Ottawa. ​
  • Co-authored the book The Young Civil Engineer producing curriculum connected resources and facilitating school workshops.
  • Created an outreach program of fine arts called Art Factory for elementary, middle school students, an exploratorium of creative expression & learning resources. Mentored students through her own company called YKM, Inc. (Youth Knowledge Management) empowering learners to produce their own Multiple Intelligences student portfolios.
  • Ongoing exhibits with LACDA (The Los Angeles Center for Digital Art).
  • Artistic Director with Levure littéraire, a multilingual  magazine dedicated to intercultural exchange, headquartered in France. Features writing, art, music and interviews with people from all over the world.  Interests lend themselves to a specialty in the areas of Media Communications, Fine Arts, Education and Technology.